Wednesday, January 14, 2009


me trying to be all artistic by taking a picture of a reflection of the sky tower. cool, eh?

click on this one - it's auckland!

The bus ride...mmmhm

Kebabs. You can find them every other block. they are these turkish food thingers, they remind me of gyros. They are good.

The city

Kayaking for FHE...random to insert this I know. But here's another story. I was trying to get in my kayak. And it kept tipping over right when I would let go of the wall. And so I would tip with it.

"How many times did you try to get in and fall, Hallie?" would be an exemplary question to ask.
I would say "no comment" if you asked me in person.

but since I don't have the satisfaction of seeing your face while it happened, or telling you in person, I guess I'll tell you. I just fell 4 times. almost drowned. k not really about the drowned part.


  1. KAYAKING!! Val and I did this in Seattle and I had no problem getting into the was getting out. Some guy pulled me out by my life jacket and kind of threw me on the dock. It was the most embarrassing event in my life. I was helpless. Needless to say, i'm never going kayaking again.

  2. kayaking, that looks so fun! i am jealous... and freezing.
