Friday, January 23, 2009

FHE in the park

The twelve girls from BYU and their homestay families were invited to get together for FHE on monday! So we went to a beautiful park next to the zoo. And there were eels in the water and humongous geese and roosters that would walk right up to you. But they wouldn't let me hold them in my arms.
just some girls I spend most of my time with (from l to r: michelle, juliet, heather, lauren)

They initiated our meeting. But they would not let me hold them.

Random statue. This is just before I realized that the statue's head had bird poop all over it.

My little 3 year old friend named Richey. He lives upstairs.

1 comment:

  1. It's always the ducks... and birds, frogs, squirls, cats... I guess just animals in general.
