Friday, January 23, 2009

A beautiful place behind my house

My roommate and I went exploring again this week. Last time we ended up in an ugly marsh behind our house and ran off as the mosquitos attacked us. Well this time we decided to see what was on the other side of the marsh. As we were walking down a dead end street parallel to ours, we noticed a secret passageway between two neighbor's fences. We bravely entered and found a gorgeous green field with big trees and yes, the other side of the marsh! This was practically our backyard!

As we strolled through the field we saw where it ended... and it looked exactly like where belle went after the opening song on beauty and the beast! Where she sings "I want adventure in the great wide somewhere" and blows the dandelion seeds! So we brought our friends with us last night and took pictures.

I am making fun of the girls that do this all the time here. They hold the camera out in front of their face and take like seventeen pictures of themselves because they are so vain. Plus I wanted to capture the sunset and the silhouette of trees behind me. kehehe

And because you read down this far I will update you on corianton.

He hasn't called. He added me as a facebook friend, (congratulations like that even means anything.) Whatever I shouldn't be thinking about men anyway. This country in and of itself fills my heart!

1 comment:

  1. Hallie, you have always taken pictures of yourself like that... because you are so vain-- psych!

    Very pretty.

    p.s. Go there with Cor-cor! Adding someone on facebook = love. Everyone knows that.
